
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Hey Guys!
Sorry I haven't been around these past few weeks. I just completed my last exams for the year and I'm now a free women! No school for two whole months! Part of me is absolutely thrilled but a very small part of me is thinking 'what are you going to do with yourself?'! I know that I have to start somewhere and my 'somewhere' starts with goals.

I personally think it's really good to set goals for yourself. Having something to work towards always brings a bit more excitement and can end up being quite rewarding after having achieved something. With the new year around the corner I know that the majority of people will start setting new years resolutions that will end up being put to the side. But the goals that end up being successful are the goals that are set in realistic circumstances.

So this Summer I'm going to set some fun, challenging yet realistic goals for myself. Hopefully this will give me something (productive) to do! I made a 'My Goals' list that I know I will be using a lot. I feel that everything is set in concrete once I write it down (which in this case is a good thing). I made these goal printables and I thought that they were so cute that I had to share them with you! They aren't in colour so I got creative and decorated mine.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in the comments down below if you'd like to see more posts like this.

Cat Xx
Catch up with me on instagram!

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! love it!

    Mikayla :)
